The National University Championships are competitions that take place throughout the year. As a multi-sport federation, we have the opportunity to communicate many different sports, each with its own target audience and challenges.
Over the course of my 3 years, l've been able to understand and admire more and more about sports and each year i have the chance to try something new.
About the Project.
It's incredible to witness sport through the lens of a camera. It's being present, but not being there, and realizing that those moments will survive time and serve as memories of those who were competing and cheering.
Being in university sport serves as a training ground for those who love photography. Spending a lot of time at competitions makes you look for different angles and ways of capturing moments.
I see more and more evolution in the FADU photo catalog and I'm excited about what it will be like in 5-10 years.

Some other cool things